Life just... bleh

Alex's Story

Here's my biggest issue with college. It's kinda like paying admission to the club where all the adults get to hang out and be rich... unlike us college kids. I don't mean to be greedy or whatever, but seriously; none of us make more than $15/hr, no matter how hard we work. It's kinda difficult to afford college in the first place. Scholarships help, but it's SERIOUSLY expensive. Whatever happened to scout camp and gym class? Free education is free AND it's education, isn't it? I have to work full time to break even out here, and BYU is cheap! I must wash ten cars a day and park over a hundred relentlessly. Then tuition comes. Then rent comes. Then health insurance comes. Then textbooks come. What's up with that? But that's the problem! The more money I make the less time I have to do fun stuff! UGH. It's either I go into debt and have a good time, or I pay for my own college and stay single until I'm 40. Sometimes I wonder if staying out of debt is worth it. Sometimes when I'm washing a car or performing other acts of mindless labor I get pretty philosophical. It's all kinda simple and pointless. Sometimes my friends even get kinda philosophical. Like that kid with the dreadlocks who smokes pot in California because he refuses to go to college. Yeah. His advice is priceless. Speaking of friends...seems like every time they offer to pay me gas money to go to the store the kinda forget. Or they don't carry cash. Or they just avoid me in general. You can always ask your friends for advice though! Or you can ask your boss! Whatever. Who needs advice anyways? Ever go to the mall on a budget? I always get this feeling. Why does everything have to be so enticing?? Food, clothes, shoes, and just stuff. I mean really. Back to relationships. Dates are hard to get for people like me in the first place! Factor in money and it's just futile. Then if you actually spend money on them they get all mad about it! Seems like any date under $5 is cheap and any date over $10 is WAY too serious. Sometimes I wonder if I should just move back to good old Liberty, MO. It's simpler. It's prettier. It's stupider. We all miss that sometimes, don't we? At least you don't have the ridiculously complicated task of finding an apartment! Moving in the day AFTER everyone moves out seems to be really hard for most places to comprehend. What am I supposed to do if I want to live here in the summer and can't afford to go home? It's all hard, but it's all worth it. College is money, college is stress, but college is fun.

Kirstie's Story
So today I woke up and looked out the window. It had snowed and I wasn't happy.

I threw on my coat and walked out the door. I noticed some people with light jackets and no umbrellas. Sometimes I felt like calling those people idiots. Clueless much?

I went to my classes then headed to the library after they were over. I was probably there studying for hours just wanting to die.

After that lovely event, my Dad picked me up from my appartment and took me to this cute coffee shop for Danish pastries :) As I looked around, I noticed the people were a little quirky.... then I had an epiphany! Apparently hipsters and coffee shops go together? Anyway, I was trying to get my laptop to work with the free wifi but it was too slow. We decided to just drive to my parents house for faster internet. As I was working on homework, I decided I was hungry. I searched through the house and realized, my parents didn't have any food I liked. After wiping my tears away, I settled for some Japanese food in the fridge and watched TV instead of working. My cute puppy came to cuddle with me and as I looked at her face, I thought about how much I loved her. Makes me wanna cry! Puppies are just too cute.

I finished my homework and my mom drove me back to my apartment.
I decided to go over to my boyfriend's apartment and hang out with him. No, I'm not going to be one of those people. Sadly, he wasn't home so I went down the hall to hang out with my other friends. We were talking until they got bored and started playing mario cart. It was crazy the whole time. After an eventful night of extreme mario carting, I went home and reminisced with my roommate about our favorite childhood books. Hipster reader status. #childhood #belle #hipsters4life
After such an "exciting" day, I slipped into something a little more comfortable.

And that was my lovely Tuesday, Goodnight.

Blake's Story

So when I woke up this morning to go running I realized that it was snowing outside.

We decided to running still despite the weather and had a great time, minus the wet and cold part of it.
After my freezing run I had to hurry to class in the BNSN building trying hard to not fall asleep in my chemistry class. We were going over things that weren't going to be on the test and so I quickly lost interest. Needless to say, by the end I was falling asleep.

I then went to go and work in my research lab where I followed a graduate student doing various things to help him with his project. We're studying HIV and I know very very little compared to the  Doctorate and Gradaute students in there so I just follow and do whatever they tell me to do, without understanding really what I am trying to accomplish.
After finishing in my lab I then went to jogging class and ran about 3 miles just nice and slow. For the whole day I ran for a total of 6-7 miles.

I then went home, and started trying to find something simple and quick for dinner. After having dinner I then started on my chemistry homework and did that until going to bed.

Madi's Story

(DISCLAIMER: These are all really great guys. The dates weren't as bad as they may seem.)

The day I was accepted to BYU was a great day. I was looking forward to the freedom, the friends, but mostly the MEN! No more lame high school boys! But after surviving my first couple of semesters, I have seen how unrealistic my expectations were..

The men were a real disappointment.. I had such high hopes! I'm sure you're all thinking, "She is just being picky.." Well allow me to enlighten you..

The Mexican Taxi Driver:

I met this guy in one of my classes. He sat by me a few time, and we became pretty good FRIENDS. May I direct your attention to the emphasis on the word FRIENDS.

He has taken me out a few times. One day he asked me if I wanted to go and get dessert with him. Um is that even a question? What girl in their right mind turns down dessert? Not me.. so of course I said yes! He then came to pick me up, and by pick me up I mean he texted me to come out to the car. I'm not a dog.. COME GET ME! Whatever.. so I walk out to the car and get in, and he leans over the car and hugs me, which smashes my face on his shoulder. Thank you sir. I love my face being smashed. It feels great! We then a head to a MeCrepes, and the whole ride is like being on roller coaster. If you're going to drive a stick shift, you gotta learn to drive it.. I thought I was going to die, but MeCrepes was waiting. Mmm! I just might forgive you for smashing my face if you buy me a large Oreo crepe!

Well come to find out the that MeCrepes was closed. No forgiveness for you buddy! He then takes me to a cupcake shop. Okay, it's not a delicious crepe, but it will do. Well that's what I thought until he buys one cupcake. Yes, you read that right. ONE cupcake for us to share. Who shares a cupcake? That's like two bites! It doesn't end there.. I put a smile on my face and take a bit of my HALF of the cupcake, and what do I find? It's crusty! yes, crusty! Wow.. you are really winning tonight, bud. Thank you for the crusty piece of cupcake. After getting over the initial shock of the crusty cupcake, we chat and talk about our days, and I manage to finish the so called red velvet  cupcake. We then proceeded to get in the car, and he took me home. A whopin 30 minute date.. I mean I'm not complaining, but this is the shortest date I've ever been on. We pull up to the curb, and he leans over for another over the car, face smashing hugs. Thank you again. I get out of the car and he peels out of the parking lot.. nice.

A couple weeks later he asked me to hike the Y with him. Ugh! Why me? Hiking at 9 o'clock at night does not sound appealing to me in the least bit.. Fine. I'll go. He once again texts me to come out to the car. Thank you. You are so chivalrous! I get in the car, and he gives me another one of his famous face smashing hugs. Do you really think I enjoy having my face smashed on your bony shoulder? Whatever.. I then look over and he is wearing jeans and a button up shirt. WHAT? I'm sitting here wearing shorts and a t-shirt and you're wearing that to hike a mountain. I look like an idiot! We then head of to the Y. After a half an hour of looking for the road leading to the trail, we finally find it. Now I seriously don't want to do this. We then start hiking Mt. Everest, and we're almost to the top and he holds out his hand and says, "Here." Uhh.. who said I wanted to hold your hand? I awkwardly grab it like you hold your 2 year old nephew's hand, and made him pull me. I then quickly pulled my hand away. *Silence. Awkward.. Trying desperately to escape, I ran up the rest of the mountain leaving him to walk behind. See ya sucker! He catches up sadly, and he sits next to me on top of the Y. Uncomfortably close for that matter. I talk his ear off in hopes that he won't try and make any other moves. The only thing that was going through my mind was.. I have made a huge mistake.

Why did I say yes to hiking this stupid mountain with senor creeper? After I ran out of things to say I jumped up and said, "LET'S GO!" We start heading back down the mountain, and apparently he didn't get the first hint that I didn't want to hold his hand so he grabs my hand and says, "No, you have to hold it like this", as he interlocks our fingers. Umm.. is this real life? Not knowing what to do, I just let him hold my hand that was hanging there like a dead fish, but the second we reached the bottom of the mountain I pulled my hand to safety. Ah FREEDOM! We then get in his car and he drives to In-N-Out. He then asks me, "Do you want anything?" Um duh I want something.. The proper question would be "What do you want? Get whatever you want." I respond with a "Um yes. A strawberry shake." I then sit there while he eats his burger and fries. Mmm.. I love watching people chomp on greasy burgers. He finally finishes and he drives me home. We again pull up to the curb and he proceeds with one of my favorite hugs, but this time he pulls a fast one with those greasy lips of his. He turns and tries to kiss me! WHAT? Luckily I turned my head and he TOTALLY misses. He planted those bad boys right by my ear. Mmm.. I love wet, slobbery kisses, especially on my ears. Thank you. I quickly jump out of the car and watch him peel out of the parking lot once again. Walking inside I burst out laughing. Did that just really happen? Dodged that bullet.

A week goes by and I get another call from him asking me out to dinner. I desperately come up with excuses, but he is persistent, and I'm out of excuses. Dang it.. Free food right? I begrudgingly say yes, and hang up the phone. Panic begins to set in, "What if he tries to kiss me again, and doesn't miss this time?" Ah that can't happen! I then phone a friend aka my mama. "What do I do??" Once again my mom tells me I need to tell him we are just friends. GAHH! I don't want to! Finally mustering up the courage to text  him. Maha.. I know I'm mean! He doesn't respond for 40 minutes! That's it I've killed him.. He was so broken up he just flat out DIED.

To my relief he finally wrote me back saying, "Wow, that was long. It's all good. I'll pick you up in 20." Uhh.. well you took that a lot better than anticipated. Free food with a FRIEND? Why not? I then run home and get ready.

He then calls me to come out to the car. WOW! I get a phone call this time? Look at you go! I run out and jump in the car, and trying desperately to act normal. On an unrelated note, he always wears this beanie.. It's hot outside. Why?

 Anyway, I start talking about whatever comes to my mind. Blah, blah, blah.. He then pulls into a trashy restaurant, and we get out. Okay.. are you taking me here to kill me? We walk in and he immediately starts speaking Spanish. Well great.. the entire menu is in Spanish. He orders and asks me, "What kind of taco do you want? Asada?" What the crap is asada? I don't freakin know Spanish.. He gets frustrated and he just orders something for me. Okay.. this better be good! Our food comes out and the waitress hands me a taco the size of a a 5 year old's hand. You really think this is going to fill me up? I could eat this thing in 2 bites! What the crap is this meat? I look down to see perfectly square pieces of meat with a white layer on top with little bumps. Uhh.. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't eat this especially from this restaurant.. I ask him what in the lands this is, and he just responds with, "Just eat it." Starving I close my eyes, and choke down the 2 bite taco. I then ask, "Okay what the crap did I just eat?"

Cow tongue. The white layer with bumps was the taste buds. Gahh! I need to wash my mouth out. Why did you buy me cow tongue? Oh.. I get it you're mad at me for friend zoning you.. nice move. Trying to play it off like it wasn't that bad.. but in reality it really was that bad. We leave and he drives me home. Another 20 minute date. Nice. He drives me to the curb and once again graces me with a face smashing hug. I say thanks and get out of the car, and he skids out of the parking lot in his sleek RS something something car. Good riddance ya little crap..

As you can see this is only one of my experiences at Brigham Young University. Not convinced? Allow me to go on.

The 6'7 Penguin: 

Wow.. How to start? When I'm with this guy, I regularly look done at my phone in hope of getting out of the awkward situation.

I met this boy in another one of my classes. The first time I noticed him was when I sat next to him, and the entire class I could not stop laughing. He typed so loud! I wouldn't be surprised if i looked over and it was his head being pounded on the keyboard.. it was that loud! After class I walked out and he ran after me. I'm not even kidding. "Hey!" Mehh.. Okay we can be friends. All I kept thinking was.. There is hope for everyone.

 We chatted and we stopped in front of the library, and he says, "Hey so do you think I could get your number so we could do something?" NOOO!! Not knowing what to do, I gave it to him.

Next class just happened to be Valentines Day.. Great. I can see this going south. Class ends and I jump out of my seat in hopes he won't walk with me. Sadly I did not prevail. He ran after me shouting my name. Yes, shouting! He is carrying a big bag, the kind you carry library books in. He smiles at me and pulls out of his magic bag a paper rose. Awe.. Sweet I know! Funny yes.. but also sweet. I thank him and continue on my walk home. When I say I'm walking, I'm walkin like a mom on black Friday. You're really nice, but PLEASE don't ask me out!

I managed to escape, but not for long. I got a call that weekend. I always try to say yes on the first date, so needless to say I said yes. That night he picked me up, and we went to Zupas before the basketball game. Mmm baby I love Zupas! This could be okay! That thought lasted about 5 minutes. We sat down to eat, and with my delicious pulled pork hanging out of my mouth, he looks into my eyes, and says, " You have gorgeous eyes." Dahaha! Well thank you! I wouldn't think this is the most opportune moment to tell me that.. but thanks. I reply with a thank you, and we continue eating in awkward silence. It's hard to make conversation when you're trying to keep your meat in your mouth! We finish and leave, and as we are leaving  he turns to me and says, "Your shoes are really cute." Uhh.. thanks. I don't think I have ever had a man tell me my shoes are cute, but I'll take it. We then head to the basketball game. All  I was thinking was.. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE HERE?

We find our seats, and watch the game. All I can say about basketball games is they last.. FOREVER!

We sat in silence again. I was so tired! Suddenly he turns to me and says, "Can I ask you something?" Uhh.. what the?What are you going to ask me? If I'll run away to Vegas with you? If I will pick your toe fungus? I had no idea! He sounded so serious, so I said, "Sure.." He then says, "If you could be any animal what would you be?" WHAT? That was not what I was expecting.. I don't know what animal I would be.. That is not a life question I often ponder. If I could be any animal what would I be? Not knowing what to say I named some animal. I don't even remember what I said, that's how hard I thought about that question. Bored out of my mind the game continued, and we continued to sit in silence. I'm sorry I'm such a bad date! The game finally gets exciting. We are now on our feet cheering, and I am freaking out! The game was so intense!  With 6 seconds left one of our players misses and one of his teammates grabs it and dunks it! Everyone starts screaming, and I look over and he has his arms out waiting for a hug. Umm.. Just because we won doesn't mean you get a hug..

Again, not knowing what to do I gave him an awkward side hug.. Yeah.. We won.. now lego.. We left the game, and as we were walking out he asked me if I wanted to go and get ice cream. "I'm actually lactose intolerant.." Saved! Thank you lactose intolerance! I totally eat ice cream all the time, which I regret after, but  this time I was done, and I wanted to go home. He walks me to my door, and gives me a hug. One of those hugs you give your fragile grandma, but that was okay with me. Set me free! I now see him in class all the time, but I don't sit with him. SUPER mean, I know, but I don't want to lead him on.  When we walk out of class I run for my life!

I'm a jerk, I'm fully aware.

The Chatter Box:

This guy's name describes him perfectly. HE NEVER STOPS TALKING! He will call me and tell me to meet him outside. I'm like what the heck? What does he want? I then end up stuck in the Antarctic weather listening to his philosophies about life.. To be perfectly honest.. I don't really care. I want to go inside.

This is how I feel when he tells me to come and talk to him. He NEVER lets me out of it! I'll be like, "Oh I'm busy doing homework", and he will be like, "Oh just take a study break and come talk to me for like 10 minutes." NOO! I don't want to take a "study break!" 10 minutes in your mind is equivalent to 40 years.. I refuse to come out there!

Every time he asks me to hang out.. "Oh sorry, I won't be home.." or sometimes Satan's wrath is thrust upon me and I have to hang out with him, I sit there waiting to be set FREE!

I wouldn't go as far as saying I hate him. He is awesome, but boy does he know how to talk. The thing is he has thousands of friends, and knows everyone so why the heck does he always want to talk to me? WHY ME? Go talk to one of your 74 girlfriends! He is seriously so unpredictable! I never know what he is going to do. One night, we were just sitting in his car talking, and by sitting there talking I mean he was talking and I was sitting there, he sprang out of nowhere and tried to kiss me on the cheek, and I had no idea what the crap he was doing so I flinched like he was coming at me with a knife. I don't know what this kid is thinking..
Okay maybe he isn't a kid. He's more of an old geezer. He always will give me weird compliments too, and I never know what to say. We are just friends, bud.

Please leave me alone. I would really appreciate that. We can be friends, but as much as I like talking about your stupid theories.. can we talk about something else for 2 seconds?

The Lazy Mute:

This lameo is my ex-boyfriend.. Ugh.. I don't really like him. Oh wait, let me rephrase that.. I really don't like him. He is so lazy all he does it is lay around, and sleep. YOU ARE SO BORING! He would always get mad at me for not talking, but dude I'm not just going to sit here and talk your ear off while you lay there half asleep.. I want to go do something with my life!

I used to be so excited to hang out with him, and I would take 4,000 years to get ready. Now, I don't give a crap about what he thinks..

He seriously sucks at texting too.. One Sunday he decided that I was too quiet, so he friend zoned me.. Yep.. you read that right, because I was too quiet. If you really know me I am far from quiet. He had the audacity to use the phrase, "It's not you, it's me." You're dang right it's you! I regret to inform you that we got back together, but I later realized that he treated me like poop. I'm done. He's a JERK!

The Perfect Saint:

I do have a missionary.. Kind of. He's in Russia.. and no that is not why I am learning Russian. I wanted to learn it before I knew him. He could be a character in one of those LDS romance books. He is perfect! He has muscles like He-man, he is super fun, and the next pope in spirituality (LDS version). I seriously would marry this dude!

The Most Attractive Squeaky Toy: 

I met this guy a couple of weeks ago, and OH BABY is he good looking. He does sound slightly like a squeaky toy, but he is so much fun! He had a mustache when I met him though.. What is with the mustaches here at BYU? Just because that's the only thing you are allowed to have doesn't mean you should have one.

He got rid of it so we're all good. BUT.. He never talks to me! I'll see him in the library, and we'll talk for awhile. NOTHING other than that. LAME.

Oh well.. SAD. 

As you can see, my experience with men at BYU has been in the pits. It has been quite the disappointment. 
Many say, "Oh there are plenty of fish in the sea!" Oh yeah? Well.. There must be a shortage on normal fish.

I'm just going to cuddle my boyfriend pillow! Funny thing is I really have one of these pillows.. They are quite nice actually. My roommates and I named it Sam, which is an acronym for some attractive/amazing man. Sad? Maybe.

But when this is happening at every party.. I feel that I am justified. Did you bring a date? No, thank you for pointing that out.

You think the boyfriend pillow was too much? Well this is my latest purchase.. crazy cat lady starter kit.
Forever alone. 

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